If you’d told me 15 years ago I’d be working in tech, I flat out wouldn’t have believed you. Ten years into my career at DabApps, and holding the role of Managing Director for the past two, I still can’t quite believe it myself sometimes – what a journey it’s been so far.
In 2012, having worked in various marketing, sales and business development roles, I knew I wanted a change and a new challenge. A friend encouraged me to join her at an event for women in tech, and a whole new world of opportunities opened up. I made new connections and interviewed with the founders of DabApps – at the time a team of six looking for their first non-technical hire – someone to help with any and every other aspect of growing a small business. That was my cue to enter stage left; I got the job.
Joining a technical agency with very little understanding of what software actually was posed quite a challenge, and led to a steep learning curve! But I instantly loved it. Working with customers, understanding their world, and coming up with solutions to simplify and automate processes is really rewarding. It’s hugely satisfying to see the results of successful projects which help our customers grow and succeed. Learning about so many different industries is one of the best things about agency life.
I also really enjoyed being surrounded by people who knew so much more than me and wanted to explain in words I could understand, not technical jargon. I loved the culture of the company – the importance of work-life balance, of giving people opportunities to succeed, but with an understanding that we all get things wrong and make mistakes sometimes.
We work hard to maintain these values, and I love being somewhere that places good communication, gender parity and transparency at the same level as the quality of the work we do, our operational processes and our client relationships. We need a diverse and happy team to do our best work.
Over the past decade, I’ve been able to hone my management skills in the STEM arena and build teams that do great things. My original focus was project and product management and I still really enjoy the work and processes associated with these roles.
This includes figuring out with stakeholders what success looks like for them, how to make experiences better for the people using the software, how to incorporate meaningful AI and other technologies as the landscape changes. I love seeing the end results and being part of a team that wants to deliver exceptional digital products that make life a little better, and solve problems.
I’m passionate in my belief that a diverse team and equity in the workplace are critical to our business’s success and do my best to ensure that we remain true to those elements in our practices and ethos. I’m writing this whilst hosting a codebar workshop at our office in central Brighton, which feels somewhat serendipitous.
Codebar’s goal is ‘to enable minority group members to learn programming in a safe and collaborative environment and expand their career opportunities.’ I think this is the hill I’ll die on.
I’m also on the advisory board for TechNative, a hub for developing new talent, with a focus on closing the skills gap and removing barriers to those currently under-represented in the industry. With my wonderful colleagues at DabApps, I help run work experience programmes every year with local colleges. It is rewarding and hard work in equal measure! I’m about to start mentoring with The Girls’ Network, and can’t wait to see what that experience brings. I’m sure it’ll be as much a learning experience for me as it is for my mentee.
As I reflect on my tenth year at DabApps, I can say that I’m really proud of our team, the work we do and our great reputation. Bring on the next ten years!