The Green Growth Platform’s mission is to help businesses reap the benefits of running cleaner and greener. That can mean supporting businesses to develop and market green products and services, as well as helping businesses create more efficient processes and business models.
Based at the University of Brighton, the team help businesses to develop, implement and commercialise ideas through access to university expertise and facilities, commercialisation advice and coaching, and an investment readiness programme.
Benefits to your business
With the urgency to act on climate change ratcheting up by the day, the responsibility for our economy to be cleaner is greater and greater. Businesses running cleaner operations and providing greener products and services can contribute enormously to a bright and prosperous future for generations to come.
But the benefits to being green aren’t just altruistic. The gains to your business can be far reaching, and will ultimately drive more profits:
Reduced costs
A leaner operation that focuses on reducing waste, increasing energy efficiency and maximising value from your resources will drive down costs, and in turn increase profits.
High employee satisfaction
Engaging employees to identify solutions to operating inefficiencies can help improve their morale and increase staff retention. And involving them in the development of new products and services can empower them and garner long term commitment to the cause.
Improved value to the customer
Reducing inefficiencies, either in your processes or in your end product or service will improve your customers’ satisfaction. Either they’ll be getting a better product, or a better level of customer service. And knowing that you’re minimising the environmental impact your business has will give them an extra reason to choose you over a competitor.
Reduce your risk
Improving the efficiency of how you use your resources, and reducing your fossil fuel usage, makes you less dependent on external factors to keep running.
Green Growth workshops
This summer the Green Growth Platform is running a series of five workshops to help businesses identify opportunities for clean and green innovation, and give them the tools to implement those ideas
Strategy on a Page
Every business needs a strategy, particularly when going through change. But often it ends up too long and unread by anybody but those who wrote it. This workshop uses the BGI Strategy on a Page canvas to get your business strategy onto one page, forcing you to focus on what’s most important and making it clear and simple for your team, stakeholders and investors.
You’ll develop a clear strategy of your business vision, purpose, values, market proposition and strategic actions with measurable performance indicators.
Clean Growth Innovation
In partnership with Sussex Chamber of Commerce
Clean Growth Innovation is the development of any new and improved product, process, business model or service that provides value for your business, whilst significantly decreasing environmental impact.
This workshop will give you insight into what the opportunities are in your business, and how to implement them. You‘ll cover energy saving and generation, process automation, circular economy, strategy, supply chain management, staff engagement and smart technology.
Profitnet taster
Profitnet brings together business owners and MDs in a monthly facilitated group to share experiences and co-create solutions to their business problems. Developed by the University of Brighton, Profitnet has been proven to increase profits and develop innovations and collaborations for 1000s of businesses.
This taster workshop will give you a flavour of what goes on in a Profitnet group, and an insight into the impact it can have on your business.
Building Your Innovation Team
To successfully innovate in a business takes a varied skillset – from idea generation to securing investment. This workshop will help you understand the strengths and weaknesses in your management team, and identify the people you need to work with to compliment your skills and talents.
Business Model Canvas
Learn about the building blocks of business – the nine categories identified by Swiss business model guru Alexander Osterwalder and management Information Systems professor Yves Pigneur in their famous Business Model Canvas.
This workshop will support you to develop a clearly laid out business model, so that you can easily describe it to your employees, stakeholders or potential investors.
The Green Growth Platform is the South East Regional Hub for Clean Growth UK, a network delivering business innovation support through its regional university hubs in Brighton, Liverpool and Portsmouth. Businesses of any size and in any sector with a mission to reduce their impact on the environment can get involved at
To find out workshop dates, venues and how to book, plus how to get support from the Green Growth Platform and its Clean Growth UK partners, go to