To the average person pest control might seem like a straightforward business, but it is far from straightforward.
The world of pest control is constantly changing in many respects, from legislative issues to do with the use of pesticides to the vast range of accreditations needed to work in different sectors and different pests becoming resistant to treatments.
Cleankill is registered to remove waste, and staff will sometimes find themselves a foot deep in pigeon mess that needs clearing out before netting or wires can be installed to prevent the birds returning.
The vast majority of Cleankill’s work is business-to-business – working with facilities managers who are in charge of a number of sites. Most businesses will have a pest prevention plan which means technicians are not simply reacting when there is a pest problem. Contracts include an agreed number of visits during the year, whether there are problems or not, so any infestations can be spotted and resolved early on.
Cleankill’s service is all about giving customers peace of mind that their premises will be kept pest-free while helping those, often residential customers, in real emergency and distressing situations.
The biggest issue is to get the message out there that Cleankill can offer a better service than the big, better-known brands and that the cheapest option is not necessarily the best one - while very expensive does not always equal quality.
The most common pests Cleankill deals with are rodents. Rats go into property usually by mistake. Mice on the other hand want to be there and will often have been there some time before you see them and the first signs will be their droppings. On average a mouse will generate 80 droppings a day.
Pests know no boundaries and much of Cleankill’s work is in Mayfair and Belgravia. We see inside some of the most expensive properties in the country. I once carried out a survey at an Arab prince’s property in Princes Gate – 60 toilets, each with a gold plated waste pipe, and two industrial air conditioning units, one for the servants and one for the royal family!
Calls to deal with squirrels and parakeets are also increasing. The damage these creatures can cause is staggering. The growing parakeet population in South London is particularly problematic as these birds are expert at accessing buildings through places like vents and then destroying internal timbers and vents.
Every member of staff signs up to the ‘Cleankill Way’ which engenders how people are expected to work. The organisation’s values include: honesty and integrity; customer excellence; autonomy and innovation; open/two-way communication; teamwork and willingness to learn/share knowledge.
The Cleankill team has built a reputation for acting with professionalism, courtesy and expertise. Customers can count on staff arriving in smart uniforms and branded vehicles, unless requested otherwise, and that staff will use the best available products and equipment.
Key to Cleankill’s approach is focusing on helping people and solving their problems rather than selling a service. We believe that if we focus on offering the best possible service and exceeding customer expectations then the profits will follow.
In an independent customer feedback survey, 100% of respondents said they would recommend Cleankill and nearly all customers said they are ‘very satisfied’ with the service.
Cleankill is the only pest control provider in England to achieve a Gold Investor in People accreditation.
Go to www.cleankill.co.uk or call 0800 056 5477