When do you know that you or your team would benefit from some one-to-one coaching?
We’re all individuals and respond to situations uniquely, so you won’t necessarily be able to see the signs that someone is struggling. It’s likely that there will be a lot of masking, as colleagues can hide or downplay their difficulties, even from themselves.
Rather than inviting specific people that you feel may be in need of help, it’s important to anticipate a need. Simply offer it upfront and to everyone, we can all gain the benefits.
Proactivity is key - shout about the offer of support and then staff will be able to identify if they need it. Their needs will no doubt change from day to day, or even by the hour. So, supporting people across the board will not only be more helpful, it also means that no-one’s mental health will deteriorate through lack of support.
What happens when we don’t get this right?
• Stress, fatigue, burnout
• Mental and physical illness
• Low morale and loyalty
• Low productivity and inefficiency
What are the benefits of getting outside help at this time?
In these difficult, isolating times access to 1-2-1 support allows staff to de-stress, to have someone to listen to them without judgement, to create healthy habits, to put aside unhelpful thoughts and develop skills and strategies for dealing with challenges.
What are the barriers that stop business owners from getting this help?
While there’s a clear business case for making sure your employees are well supported in their work and in their wellbeing, there can be barriers such as mindset and attitude that get in the way of reaching out for support.
Sometimes employers and employees feel we must each deal with challenges on our own, or that our personal reactions to situations are separate from our work. But this mindset can be harmful. Instead, successful businesses know that helping their staff thrive translates into a thriving business. And staff that are well looked after are more resilient to challenges and changing circumstances, and more engaged in their work.
To find out more contact Emma at workplace@diversityandability.com