Naturally Talented Me

Naturally Talented Me (NTM) is a community interest company partnering with Surrey County Council to deliver an innovative approach to not only hiring great, well-matched talent, but retaining them too. By Nick Boothroyd, Co-Founder, NTM


Who remembers their careers advice from school? It was probably fairly wooden; a rather limited list of professional or vocational careers that might have suited your strengths according to your school report, but not necessarily your interests and motivations. And it certainly wouldn’t have reflected the range of careers and roles available in today’s society and work-places.

A recent study from Washington State University cited that 70% of Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) want to work for a company that aligns with their values. So whilst work-life balance and reward packages are still relevant, people want an emotional connection to their work. They want to do something meaningful and something that matches their interests.

Since it costs, on average, £3,000 to recruit someone, you want to be sure you get it right. High employee turnover can be costly to a business – and it’s not just the recruitment costs, but also the time taken to train new staff, lost productivity and loss of knowledge as people leave.

So how do we change recruitment to find and attract the right people to fill your vacancies?


What does NTM do?

Naturally Talented Me uses a combination of personal selections and image associations linked to hobbies and interests to understand
a candidate’s passions and core ‘natural’ talents – in other words, what makes them tick. Whilst academic achievements and qualifications are important for some roles, often the critical underlying need is for the softer skills and a willingness to learn, along with their innate passions and interests – more than can be shown on a certificate of education.

Our innovative and intuitive digital profiling platform creates a See Me profile for every candidate that focuses on their natural talents in order to harness potential, and play to their strengths. By bringing those attributes into the workplace, you have the recipe for success and longevity of employment.

In addition, we focus on finding employment opportunities for people who are often left behind – those with physical or mental health difficulties, SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), care-leavers, those not in education, employment or training, the over 50s, and ex-offenders. People are full of talent and experience, but for many, the typical recruitment processes often don’t work.

With UK unemployment at its lowest for years, changing your approach can help you find candidates you may previously have overlooked, or who may fail to get through your recruitment processes algorithms.

As an added bonus, we all know that having a more diverse and inclusive workforce can bring new thinking into a business, resulting in better ideas, enhanced productivity, a more rounded culture, and often, improved financial performance.


How can you access this untapped talent pool?

If your business struggles to attract, screen and retain a growing workforce demand, and is a truly inclusive employer looking to do more proactive and impactful DE&I initiatives in your local community, then please get in touch so together we can build strong, lasting partnerships that both address YOUR hiring needs and support overlooked local communities.

We will support you with the creation and presentation of inclusive job adverts to attract new, diverse audiences, provide you with access to your candidate’s See Me profiles, provide insightful data on candidate demographics and provide an opportunity to promote your business to a new audience.


Harry is amazing, but sadly you wouldn’t find him using the conventional ways of advertising and searching.

Behind every traditional one-dimensional CV is a breadth and depth of personality, behaviour and natural talent – evidenced by voluntary participation in activities that motivate and inspire, for example, hobbies and interests.

NTM captures this unique data to reveal and present, via a multi-media See Me, the potential hidden beneath the surface; the natural talents you seek.

Using supporting video, imagery and document content to evidence the range of talents, employers can now see their candidate pipeline for what it can really offer – talent like Harry’s; talent you don’t currently see.

Harry is currently sharing his profile across a range of networks and receiving amazing feedback and interest. He is now being seen for his true potential and will soon be starting a new career.

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