Immigration was a hot topic for this election, regardless – given the time of writing this – of the winner, and seems to be equally as hot across Europe and the US. The problem we currently face is the total lack of any workable policy is about to drag us all back 60 years - and all in the space of ten years.
We are in danger of being dragged back into the dark old days of fascism, xenophobia, and racial supremacism. I could go back centuries but if we go back to the end of WW1 (1918), this can seen as the start of fascism across Europe as people yearned for national unity and strong leadership. In addition, following the 1929 Stock Market crash, mass unemployment and social turmoil opened the door to Marxist and Socialist parties. This is where Mussolini and Hitler rose from, playing on Europe’s fears, and glorified the state over the individual. And we all know how that ended.
But here we are again. Across Europe, the far right is on the rise, polling higher and higher every year, and now set to get a foothold in the UK (Farage), in the Netherlands (Wilders) and across France (LePen). Right now, with Macron calling the snap election, LePen could be in power before this magazine even comes out.
We are in very dangerous territory.
The reason is as clear as day – a lack of any political statesmen, unworkable policies and astoundingly weak leadership when it comes to immigration. And let’s not fool ourselves, this IS about immigration. But at the core, it is about illegal immigration, and allowing anyone to turn up on the beaches of Europe, gain entrance, full rights, housing and free cash. Surely l am not the only one that saw this happening in slow motion.
The vast majority of Brits are not racist but the mass influx of mainly poor, uneducated immigrants has turned a tide and we are heading into bedlam. In the south, we see little of the problem but travel north of Watford and it becomes clear with hundreds of
immigrants roaming the streets with nothing to do, and in shock and awe at the way we live in the west. For the Muslim immigrants, this produces shock and disgust with girls walking around in skimpy outfits, porn available at the touch of a button, obscene wealth on conspicuous display and such a lack of strong, competent policing that this leads to uncontrolled anger and protest and the ultimate, the loud call for the establishing of sharia law.
I can see how this raises hackles that turn into anger. Just go onto Twitter and see the riots across the country, the ripping down of crosses on churches, the violence in the streets, the increase in sexual offences and the ridiculously overstretched public services. The Israeli war against Hamas has just thrown petrol onto the fire and there are now groups of Muslim men actively roaming the streets of many cities looking for Jews to attack.
GP surgeries are hardest hit with over 700,000 immigrants registering with doctors in just 2020. A new home has to be built every five minutes in the UK just to keep up with the housing requirements, and the cost of illegal immigration is estimated to be £13 billion per year, rising by £8 million per day.
In 2023, 1.2 million people came to this country, and 532,000 left, making a net migration of 685,000. That the population of Liverpool or Manchester. Of these 52,530 were illegal. This only deepens concerns about the way in which immigration is leading to rapid cultural and societal change. As the former integration Czar Baroness Louise Casey has said, some areas have changed ‘beyond recognition’ in a very short space of time. Indeed, this process is accelerating, with a number of communities finding that their local way of life is being very rapidly changed.
Many also believe that the abysmal failure to effectively control immigration on the part of the government is having a harmful impact on public safety and on fundamental British values such as freedom of expression and religion, as well as equality of opportunity for women and for those in the LGBTQ+ community.
Like most right minded people, I recognise that we desperately need immigration to keep this country going and the racial mix is healthy for a solid, grounded society, but this unchecked illegal immigration, which is rapidly increasing the support of the far right, is leading us down a path from which there is no return.
Dumping hundreds of illegal migrants into a small British town was never going to end well, yet politicians have been unable to check it and then lecture the public on tolerance and understanding. The UK is already one of the most crowded countries in Europe by people per square mile.
The answer is obvious – stop all illegal migration and make legal migration far, far easier. Sadly, we do not have any UK politicians able or willing to do this, and therefore the far right have an open goal – and they will not hesitate to capitalise on the void that remains. When this happens, we will all be victims of the far right, and you will not like what you see.
Remember these famous leaders who came to power out of just this void – Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, Oswald Mosley, Ante Pavelic, Jair Bolsonaro, Viktor Orban, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage…
Note: If l were living dirt poor in a third world country, l would be on one of these boats quick smart, for a better life for me and my family. This is NOT the fault of the migrants, rather a void of political leadership in the West. If the West poured the billions of pounds spent trying to cope with them into redeveloping third world countries, this would not be happening.