The way we work is changing. Increasingly we have to work remotely, and at the very least manage a hybrid team set-up
Knowing how to lead remote teams has become a key management skill, helping you harness and develop your best talent to ensure ongoing business survival and success. Based on client feedback we have created a three-week, six-module online programme to help leaders
• Each module has a 15 minute video and a coaching workbook with exercises and tools for you to explore and use with your teams
• Each module includes a one hour coaching session on Zoom. You get to choose the time of your Zoom session to work around your busy life
• Additionally you will have a one to one bespoke leadership session with Desiree Anderson, Cultural Engagement and Executive coach.
Six Workbooks + six online mentoring sessions + free tools and checklists + six videos + one bespoke one to one leadership coaching session with a highly experienced executive coach
• Effectively adapt your communication style to harness engagement
• Cultivate a culture of trust and accountability
• Manage and enhance staff performance on a remote basis
• Implement HR essentials to keep legally compliant
• Build essential wellbeing elements into the team’s daily routine
• Harness a communication framework that moves beyond pure technology
The course will be led by Desiree Anderson, a Master Level qualified Executive Coach and HR consultant who specialises in team culture and engagement. Desiree has worked for numerous leading companies in the UK and abroad. She is the owner of Crest Coaching & HR.
The investment for the programme is £350. You can reserve your place here for the next programme from November 3rd – 21st 2020.